Atomistry » Fluorine » PDB 7e5i-7f80
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Fluorine in PDB, part 183 (files: 7281-7320), PDB 7e5i-7f80

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Fluorine (F) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Fluorine atoms. PDB files: 7281-7320 (PDB 7e5i-7f80).
  1. 7e5i (F: 2) - Human Ppar Alpha Ligand Binding Domain in Complex with APHM6 Obtained By Soaking
  2. 7eb2 (F: 3) - Cryo-Em Structure of Human Gaba(B) Receptor-Gi Protein Complex
    Other atoms: Cl (1);
  3. 7ed5 (F: 3) - A Dual Mechanism of Action of at-527 Against Sars-Cov-2 Polymerase
    Other atoms: Zn (2); Mg (3);
  4. 7efl (F: 3) - Crystal Structure of the Gastric Proton Pump K791S in (Byk)E2BEF State
    Other atoms: Mg (1); Rb (4);
  5. 7efm (F: 3) - Crystal Structure of the Gastric Proton Pump K791S/E820D/Y340N in (Byk)E2BEF State
    Other atoms: Rb (3); Mg (1);
  6. 7efn (F: 3) - Crystal Structure of the Gastric Proton Pump K791S/E820D/Y340N/E936V in (Byk)E2BEF State
    Other atoms: Mg (1); Rb (4);
  7. 7egp (F: 3) - The Structure of Swi/Snf-Nucleosome Complex
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  8. 7ejv (F: 2) - The Co-Crystal Structure of DYRK2 with Yk-2-69
  9. 7en3 (F: 2) - Crystal Structure of Tubulin in Complex with Tubulysin Analogue Tgl
    Other atoms: Ca (2); Mg (3);
  10. 7enn (F: 3) - The Structure of ALC1 Bound to the Nucleosome
  11. 7eo4 (F: 3) - Cryo-Em of Sphingosine 1-Phosphate Receptor 1 / Gi Complex Bound to BAF312
  12. 7eo9 (F: 3) - Crystal Structure of KIF1A Motor-Neck Domain with Adp-Mg-Alfx
    Other atoms: Al (1); Mg (1);
  13. 7eob (F: 3) - Crystal Structure of KIF1A Motor-Neck Domain E239K Mutant with Adp-Mg- Alfx
    Other atoms: Al (1); Mg (1);
  14. 7eor (F: 2) - Structure of the Human GLUN1/GLUN2A Nmda Receptor in the Glycine/Glutamate/Gne-6901 Bound State
  15. 7eou (F: 2) - Structure of the Human GLUN1/GLUN2A Nmda Receptor in the Glycine/Glutamate/Gne-6901/9-Aa Bound State
  16. 7epe (F: 3) - Crystal Structure of MGLU2 Bound to NAM563
  17. 7epf (F: 2) - Crystal Structure of MGLU2 Bound to NAM597
  18. 7erb (F: 4) - Crystal Structure of Human Biliverdin IX-Beta Reductase B with Ataluren (Ptc)
  19. 7erd (F: 6) - Crystal Structure of Human Biliverdin IX-Beta Reductase B with Flunixin Meglumin (Fmg)
  20. 7est (F: 6) - Interaction of the Peptide CF3-Leu-Ala-Nh-C6H4-CF3(Tfla) with Porcine Pancreatic Elastase. X-Ray Studies at 1.8 Angstroms
    Other atoms: Ca (1);
  21. 7et1 (F: 4) - Cryo-Em Structure of the Gastric Proton Pump K791S/E820D/Y340N/E936V/Y799W Mutant in K+-Occluded (K+)E2-Alf State
    Other atoms: Al (1); K (3); Mg (1);
  22. 7eu5 (F: 4) - Co-Crystal Structure of Human Nicotinamide N-Methyltransferase (Nnmt) with Tricyclic Small Molecule Inhibitor Jbsnf-000107
  23. 7euv (F: 2) - X-Ray Structure of High-Strength Hydrogel-Grown FABP3 Crystal Soaked in 50% Dmso Solution Containing Flurbiprofen
  24. 7ev3 (F: 1) - Crystal Structure of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Tryptophanyl-Trna Synthetase Complexed with Y-10 and Atp
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  25. 7evj (F: 1) - Crystal Structure of Cbp Bromodomain Liganded with 9C
  26. 7evy (F: 3) - Cryo-Em Structure of Siponimod -Bound Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Receptor 1 in Complex with Gi Protein
  27. 7ew1 (F: 3) - Cryo-Em Structure of Siponimod -Bound Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Receptor 5 in Complex with Gi Protein
  28. 7ew7 (F: 6) - Cryo-Em Structure of SEW2871-Bound Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Receptor 1 in Complex with Gi Protein
  29. 7ex3 (F: 1) - Crystal Structure of Ebinur Lake Virus Cap Snatching Endonuclease in Complex with Inhibitor 3
    Other atoms: Cl (4); Mn (2);
  30. 7exd (F: 3) - Lasmiditan-Bound Serotonin 1F (5-HT1F) Receptor-Gi Protein Complex
  31. 7f0i (F: 2) - Phosphodiesterase-9A in Complex with Inhibitor 4B
    Other atoms: Zn (2); Mg (2);
  32. 7f1d (F: 2) - Crystal Structure of BACE1 in Complex with N-{3-[(4R,5R,6R)-2-Amino-5- Fluoro-4,6-Dimethyl-5,6-Dihydro-4H-1,3-Thiazin-4-Yl]-4-Fluorophenyl}- 2H,3H-[1,4]Dioxino[2,3-C]Pyridine-7-Carboxamide
    Other atoms: I (4);
  33. 7f1g (F: 2) - BACE2 Xaperone Complex with N-{3-[(4R,5R,6R)-2-Amino-5-Fluoro-4,6- Dimethyl-5,6-Dihydro-4H-1,3-Thiazin-4-Yl]-4-Fluorophenyl}-2H,3H-[1, 4]Dioxino[2,3-C]Pyridine-7-Carboxamide
  34. 7f2l (F: 2) - Crystal Structure of PDE4D Catalytic Domain Complexed with Compound 18A
    Other atoms: Zn (2); Mg (2);
  35. 7f2m (F: 2) - Crystal Structure of PDE4D Catalytic Domain Complexed with Compound 18D
    Other atoms: Mg (2); Zn (2);
  36. 7f35 (F: 3) - Crystal Structure of Anti S-Gatifloxacin Antibody Fab Fragment in Complex with S-Gatifloxacin
    Other atoms: Na (8); Cl (1);
  37. 7f3b (F: 1) - Cocrystallization of Escherichia Coli Dihydrofolate Reductase (Dhfr) and Its Pyrrolo[3,2-F]Quinazoline Inhibitor.
  38. 7f61 (F: 2) - Crystal Structure of Human Histamine Receptor H3R in Complex with Antagonist PF03654746
  39. 7f7w (F: 2) - JAK2-JH2
  40. 7f80 (F: 6) - Co-Crystal Structure of Inhibitor Compound Ma-211 in Complex with Human Ppardelta Lbd
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 09:26:15 2025

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