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Fluorine Applications


Gaseous fluorine is used for converting UF4 in UF6 which serves for separation of uranium isotopes. Trifluorated chlorine ClF3 is fluorinating agent and powerful rocket fuel oxidizer. Sulphur hexafluoride SF6 is an extremely inert and nontoxic gas used by the electrical industry as a gaseous dielectric medium for high-voltage (1 kV and above) circuit breakers. Fluorine may be used as a possible rocket propellant due to exceptionally high specific impulse.

Despite most of fluoroorganic compounds are extremely toxic, many of saturated fluorocarbons are completely chemically and biologically neutral, which allows to use them as safe blood substitutes with gas transport functions. Fluosol ©-DA (Green Cross Corp., Japan) is the first preparation based on perfluorocarbon emulsions (PFCE). However there is some prejudice against PFCE: it was considered quite effective for organ conservation, yet its gas transport efficiency was not proved. The Russian based company Perftoran is currently producing Perftoran, which is not a second-generation PFCE like the previous products but rather, it is an improved first-generation PFCE and is similar to Fluosol ©. Another preparation, Oxygent (Alliance Pharmaceutical Corp., USA) is currently undergoing clinical trial.

Halothane CF3-CHBrCl is an anesthetic; fluorine is also used for producing artificial heart valves and blood vessels.

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