Fluorine in PDB, part 203 (files: 8081-8120),
PDB 7o7j-7p1e
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Fluorine (F) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Fluorine atoms. PDB files: 8081-8120 (PDB 7o7j-7p1e).
7o7j (F: 2) - Crystal Structure of the Human HIPK3 Kinase Domain Bound to Abemaciclib
7o7k (F: 4) - Crystal Structure of the Human DYRK1A Kinase Domain Bound to Abemaciclib
7oam (F: 2) - Kinase Domain of Mertk in Complex with Compound 8
7oar (F: 8) - Crystal Structure of Helicase PIF1 From Thermus Oshimai in Complex with Parallel G-Quadruplex
Other atoms:
Al (2);
K (3);
Mg (2);
7od9 (F: 6) - Crystal Structure of Activated Chey Fused to the C-Terminal Domain of Chef
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
7ofa (F: 1) - KEAP1 Kelch Domain Bound to A Small Molecule Fragment
Other atoms:
Cl (2);
7ofd (F: 1) - KEAP1 Kelch Domain Bound to A Small Molecule Fragment
7ofi (F: 6) - Ligand Complex of Rorg Lbd
Other atoms:
Na (1);
7ofk (F: 6) - Ligand Complex of Rorg Lbd
Other atoms:
Na (1);
7oh5 (F: 4) - Cryo-Em Structure of DRS2P-CDC50P in the E1-Alfx-Adp State
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
Al (1);
7oh6 (F: 4) - Cryo-Em Structure of DRS2P-CDC50P in the [Ps]E2-Alfx State
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
Al (1);
7ohh (F: 3) - Saftsz Complexed with Gdp and BEF3-
Other atoms:
K (1);
7ohk (F: 3) - Saftsz Complexed with Gdp, BEF3- and MG2+
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
K (1);
7ohl (F: 3) - Saftsz Complexed with Gdp, BEF3- and MN2+
Other atoms:
Mn (1);
K (1);
7ohn (F: 4) - Saftsz Complexed with Gdp, ALF4- and MG2+
Other atoms:
K (1);
Al (1);
Mg (1);
7oih (F: 4) - Glycosylation in the Crystal Structure of Neutrophil Myeloperoxidase
Other atoms:
Fe (8);
Cl (36);
Ca (8);
7ol3 (F: 8) - Human ATL1 N417INS (Catalytic Core)
Other atoms:
Al (2);
Mg (2);
7ol7 (F: 6) - Crystal Structure of Lysozyme in Complex with Trifluoroethanol: Tetragonal Form
Other atoms:
Cl (5);
Na (1);
7ol8 (F: 6) - Crystal Structure of Lysozyme in Complex with Trifluoroethanol: Orthorhombic Form
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
7oob (F: 3) - Pol II-Csb-Csa-DDB1-Uvssa-ADPBEF3 (STRUCTURE2)
Other atoms:
Zn (8);
Mg (2);
7op1 (F: 4) - Cryo-Em Structure of P5B-Atpase E2PIALF/Spm
Other atoms:
Al (1);
Mg (1);
7op5 (F: 3) - Cryo-Em Structure of P5B-Atpase E2P
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
7op8 (F: 3) - Cryo-Em Structure of P5B-Atpase E2PINHIBIT
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
7ore (F: 3) - Crystal Structure of JNK3 in Complex with Light-Activated Covalent Inhibitor Mr-II-249 with Both Non-Covalent and Covalent Binding Modes (Compound 4)
7orf (F: 1) - Crystal Structure of JNK3 in Complex with Fmu-001-367 (Compound 1)
7orz (F: 3) - Crystal Structure of Udp-N-Acetylenolpyruvoylglucosamine Reductase (Murb) From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa in Complex with Fad and A Pyrazole Derivative (Fragment 18)
7ot2 (F: 6) - Human Prolyl-Trna Synthetase in Complex with L-Proline and Compound 4J
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
Sr (2);
7ote (F: 6) - Src Kinase Domain in Complex with Ponatinib
7otj (F: 8) - Crystal Structure of PIF1 Helicase From Candida Albicans
Other atoms:
Al (2);
K (10);
Mg (2);
7oty (F: 1) - Dna-Pkcs in Complex with M3814
Other atoms:
Cl (1);
7ouf (F: 4) - Structure of the Stlv Intasome:B56 Complex Bound to the Strand- Transfer Inhibitor XZ450
Other atoms:
Mg (4);
Zn (4);
7oug (F: 2) - Stlv-1 Intasome:B56 in Complex with the Strand-Transfer Inhibitor Raltegravir
Other atoms:
Mg (4);
Zn (4);
7ouh (F: 6) - Structure of the Stlv Intasome:B56 Complex Bound to the Strand- Transfer Inhibitor Bictegravir
Other atoms:
Zn (4);
Mg (4);
7ovf (F: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Vim-2 Acquired Metallo-Beta-Lactamase in Complex with Compound 8 (Jmv-7207)
Other atoms:
Zn (3);
7ovj (F: 2) - Protein Kinase MKK7 in Complex with Difluoro-Phenethyltriazole- Substituted Pyrazolopyrimidine
7oyf (F: 3) - Crystal Structure of Depupylase Dop in Complex with Pup and Adp/Trifluoromagnesate
Other atoms:
Mg (4);
7oyh (F: 4) - Crystal Structure of Depupylase Dop in Complex with Pup and Adp/Tetrafluoromagnesate
Other atoms:
Mg (6);
7ozk (F: 3) - Cryoem Structure of Human Enterovirus 70 in Complex with Pleconaril
7ozx (F: 4) - Structure of Human Galactokinase 1 Bound with Azepan-1-Yl(2,6- Difluorophenyl)Methanone
7p1e (F: 3) - Structure of Kdnase From Aspergillus Terrerus in Complex with 2,3- Difluoro-2-Keto-3-Deoxynononic Acid
Other atoms:
Ca (1);
Cl (1);
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 09:27:00 2025